I'm always excited to take on new projects and collaborate with innovative minds.

Phone Number









United States

Started - End Date

April 2024 - Now



Development Type

Enhancement Feature

Title on Project

Frontend Developer

QR Fixit notificaiton and analytics service works to improve customer service and business processes across a wide range of industries.
QR Fixit is built and maintained by a dedicated team of industry veterans with over 20 years of experience developing and maintaining large scale web services for a range of industries.
To enable our customers to achieve best in class customer service by collecting and quickly reacting to customer feedback. Through listening to customers and adjusting business processes, we assist our customers in business process improvements, improved customer satisfaction and retention, and significant cost savings.

Key Features
  • Customizable QR creation

  • Real time configurable alerts

  • Immediately identify and quickly resolve issues before they evolve into problems.

  • Swiftly direct the customer feedback to the right people to solve the pain point that has been identified.

  • Keep customers happy with your service and make sure they stay loyal.

  • Display your performance data to let customers know how much you value their feedback.

  • Integrate your QR Fixit account with productivity tools such as MS Teams, Slack, MS PowerBI, and just about any service that provides an accessible API.

Technologies Used

Angular, Typescript, SCSS, Javascript

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